How to Recognize the signs of problematic wisdom teeth
“Is Your Wisdom Tooth Giving You Trouble?” Figure out how to spot the signs!”
Like mysterious storytellers, your wisdom teeth stay in the back of your mouth, away from sight. These third molars, which arrive late to the dental scene, might be a peaceful guest or a source of pain. So let us learn the symptoms, signs and treatment of painful wisdom teeth in this blog.
Wisdom Teeth Symptoms
- a dull, throbbing sensation while chewing food in the back of the mouth where wisdom teeth are emerging or intense pain when mistakenly biting down on the affected area.
- swollen, puffy gums that are painful to the touch, making it difficult for your toothbrush to reach certain areas while brushing.
- difficulty opening your mouth wide, especially when eating or yawning, accompanied by a sensation of a locked or tense jaw.
- A headache near the head or dull ear pain may occur, but there are no additional indicators of an ear infection.
- Blood in the back of your mouth while flossing, and your gums are hot and irritated.
- a persistent bad taste or smell coming from the back of your mouth even after brushing and using mouthwash.
- Visible swelling in the cheekbones or jaw, usually accompanied by discomfort.
- Pain or discomfort while chewing caused by pressure from wisdom teeth or irritation of adjacent tissues.
- white or yellow fluid around the gums and feel feverish, indicating a possible abscess.
- tightness or misalignment in your teeth, with pressure in the back of your mouth.
Signs of Wisdom Teeth Coming In
Wisdom teeth can exert pressure on the sinuses, resulting in atypical symptoms including discomfort, nasal congestion, sinus infections, and jaw stiffness. Regular dental examinations are essential for monitoring their growth and preventing possible issues.
Wisdom tooth pain: Factors
Wisdom teeth can cause pain owing to impacted teeth, insufficient space, gum infection, dental decay, cyst formation, pressure on neighbouring teeth, inflamed gums, and jaw stiffness. These cause pressure, oedema, and possible jaw injury.
Professional examination is required to determine the appropriate treatment option, such as extraction control to alleviate the discomfort and potential jaw injury.
Third Molars Diagnosis
- Incomplete eruption, with teeth stuck under gums.
- Swollen, red, or tender gums around the area.
- Crowding of adjacent teeth due to pressure.
- Possible infection indicated by pus or irritation.
- Cavities due to difficulty in cleaning partially erupted teeth.
- Discomfort upon touch in the affected area.
- Jaw tightness or difficulty opening the mouth.
- X-ray evidence of misalignment or complications like cysts.
Treatment Options
- Wisdom Tooth Growth Monitoring: Proper growth may prevent removal, and routine dental examinations and X-rays are essential.
- Toothache Wisdom Teeth Management: Use over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen and saltwater rinses and oral hygiene for mild symptoms.
- Preventive Wisdom Tooth Removal: The recommendation is based on X-rays and is intended to prevent issues in the future.
- Wisdom Tooth Extraction: If your wisdom teeth are impacted or misaligned, and you’re experiencing pain, you may need this operation. Damage to neighbouring teeth is possible.
Wisdom Tooth Extraction Symptoms
Painful Wisdom Teeth: A nagging toothache or severe discomfort at the rear of the mouth.
Swollen or Tender Gums: Red, irritated gums surrounding the location of wisdom teeth can cause swelling and discomfort.
Difficulty Opening Mouth: Stiffness or soreness in the jaw.
Bad breath or an unpleasant taste: Food and bacteria become confined around partially erupted wisdom teeth.
Too many or wrongly positioned teeth: The wisdom teeth may be pushing against other teeth, which can cause them to shift or hurt.
Abscesses or infections: When wisdom teeth get impacted, it can lead to swelling, pus, and fever.
Wisdom Tooth Extraction Treatment Protocol
Consultation and Diagnosis: The dentist evaluates the oral cavity and performs X-rays to inspect the wisdom teeth.
Preparation for Extraction: Local or global anaesthesia is used for pain-free treatments.
Tooth Extraction: The wisdom tooth may be removed whole or in pieces after the dentist slices the gums.
Post-Operative Care: Apply pressure with gauze, use cold packs, consume soft foods, and refrain from hot, spicy, or hard goods. Administer prescribed analgesics or antibiotics as instructed.
Complications of Wisdom Teeth Post-Extraction
Common bleeding: Minor bleeding usually stops within a few hours.
Wisdom Teeth Swelling: This might develop in the jaw or cheeks and usually go within a few days.
Pain: Normal discomfort or soreness can be managed with painkillers.
Infection: Unclean wounds may lead to antibiotic-requiring infections.
Dry Socket: Painful condition when a blood clot dislodges, exposing the bone.
Nerve Damage: The procedure can cause temporary numbness.
Issues of Sinus: Sometimes, when you get your wisdom teeth out, it can cause problems with your sinuses.
Jaw Stiffness: Limited mouth opening
Complications of Wisdom Teeth
Damaged Third Molars can cause discomfort, infections, decay, gum inflammation, and other dental issues, potentially causing further damage to the jawbone and nerves.
Preventive Measures
- Thorough mouth cleaning to prevent cavities and gum infections.
- Regular dental visits to monitor wisdom teeth growth.
- X-rays for early detection of potential issues.
- Consultation with a dentist for discomfort or swelling.
- Reduction of sugary and sticky snacks around wisdom teeth.
- Use of fluoride or antibacterial mouthwash for gum health.
Early removal of wisdom teeth if advised by dentist.
Pros and Cons
Wisdom Teeth can offer benefits but pose challenges too, so it’s important to consult a dentist or oral surgeon to decide if they should be kept or removed.
- Provides additional chewing power.
- Can also remain in place without causing harm.
- Can cause impaction, pain, and crowding of teeth and lead to infections like pericoronitis.
- Increases risk of decay due to hard-to-clean position.
- Can develop cysts, potentially damaging jawbone, and nerves.
Wisdom teeth are essential for oral health but may pose issues owing to impaction, or infections. Routine dental examinations are crucial for detecting possible problems.
Dr BV Reddy’s’ Specialty Dental Care provides sophisticated dental services delivered by seasoned specialists, using cutting-edge technology and customized treatment programs for wisdom tooth management, guaranteeing a healthy, pain-free smile.